Products for a Cause


Madjoul Dates 

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Ajwa Dates

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Palestinian Premium

Black Seed Oil

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Extra-Virgin Olive Oil

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Medjoul Dates

The Holy Prophet a said,
Indeed, Ajwa dates are from the fruits of Paradise.” (Hadith).

Our Ajwa dates are grown in the blessed city of Madina. They have a distinct flavour that makes them rich, soft, chewy, and mildly sweet compared to other types of dates.


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You get the best quality Ajwa dates in your hands because we choose and grade them according to size, quality, and consistency. To ensure they reach you in the best condition, they are carefully cleaned and packaged. Ajwa is one of the world’s most sought after date varieties and is the perfect gift for friends and family, or simply to treat yourself!

Ajwa is rich in essential nutrients, vitamins, and fibre that provide multiple health benefits for the human body and mind

Ajwa Dates

The King of Dates! Medjoul dates are plump and deliver deep flavours of honey and caramel.

About 36% of Palestinians live below the poverty line and can›t get enough food, water, or a safe shelter to live. When you buy our 100% Palestinian Medjoul dates, you actually help Palestinian farmers and producers earn a sustainable livelihood.

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Ingredient: Whole unpitted dates (contains fruit stones)

How to use

  • Share these delicious Palestinian dates with your family and friends
  • Use the tin to save your small change
  • Donate your collection to make a big difference in Palestine

Black Seed Oil

For centuries, the people of Palestine have known the secrets of Nigella Sativa, a remarkable herb revered for its potent medicinal properties. Now, we bring you its essence in pristine form.  Our pure, cold-pressed black seed oil is nature’s answer to countless worries. Not just a special addition to your kitchen, it could cure skin conditions due to the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Each bottle supports Palestinian farmers who cultivate this precious herb with passion and care. By buying it, you choose to empower a community, a land, and your own journey to natural health.

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  • Boost immunity
  • Protect brain health
  • Good for hair & skin
  • Antifungal properties
  • Speed up wound healing
  • Improve liver & kidney function

Extra-Virgin Olive Oil

It holds a history that stretches back for countless generations and deeply rooted in the hard work of Palestinian farmers. This extra virgin olive oil delivers an authentic and exceptional experience like no other. Its opulent and velvety texture elevates your beloved dishes, transforming them into culinary masterpieces. The olive trees have witnessed generations of farmers carefully tending to them, passing down their knowledge and techniques. This legacy is encapsulated in every drop of this golden elixir. Not only does this olive oil offer a taste of history, but it also supports local Palestinian communities. By choosing it, you contribute to supporting Palestinian farmers and sustaining a traditional way of life.

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  • Great for diminishing wrinkles
  • Anti-inflammatory properties
  • High in antioxidants
  • Protective against chronic disease
  • Manage body-fat composition
  • Help manage cholesterol

Customer Feedback

“Working from home, what a lovely surprise.
Ramadan Mubarak. Thank you MinhajWelfareFoundation”

Sid Khan

“My medjoul dates have arrived 🥳, nutritional and satisfying while 100% of funds go to the needy ‘Dates for a Cause’ MWF campaign. I bought 4 boxes 🤭 but don’t worry plenty stock still available.”

Moazzam Raza

“Just received Minhaj Welfare Foundation (MWF) Medjoul Dates just in time for Ramadan.”

Hassan Qadri

“Alhamdulillah I received #MWF_Medjoul_dates home delivery.I’d recommend this to all.

Dates have amazing healing powers that strengthen the immune system! All profits will go towards feeding the poor and needy.”

Naeem Raza

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All proceedings will go towards Minhaj Welfare Foundation's Dates for a Cause project.
